Senin, 16 Februari 2009

is this the mean of love?


Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

back to election day

can you imagine my story...???

Come on, keep going, a little to the right, to the left…..
Oh my God…Pak, come on, help me out, perforate this!
Hey what are you doing?
Can’t you see? I’m practicing my perforate, so I won’t be wrong on the elections day.
Oalaaaah, Ibu, it’s for elections? It’s not perforate now, but we have to mark it.
Whaatt?!! Mark??
Ibu, please get up, you must be tired.
Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
I just did, now on the elections we jus have to mark the ballot, select the picture who we want to vote, and mark it. Easier right?

Do not forget to vote on legislative election on April 2009 and presidential on November 2009!

"Di tiap sudut kenangan"

"Nikmati Keberagamannya Dalam Satu Genggam"

Keberagaman yang menyatu dengan suasana
keberagaman yang indah di tiap sudut kenangan
ketika senja mulai menutup Yogyakarta

Rinduku Padamu ..
hingga dimensi kembali menarikku
untuk singgah di kota mu


everyone speak about election..
so let me guess...
i have the story about the election

Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce the contestants of Mother of the year contest!

Okay now, please welcome to the stage our first contestant, this mom has a Javanese look, very good in traditional dancing and singing, and she is also great in politics.

Let’s move to the second contestant, please welcome to the stage she is a mother with unique look, and she is a good in the kitchen, loves to cook! But beside that she is also great in politics!

Next contestant, this is a mother with an original face is good in business and also good in politics!

Okay, here is the contestant number 100! This beautiful mother is very good in painting, and beside that she is also good in politic!

How long time will be wasted for this contest, lets spare our time to vote your next leader, together to build our Nation.

Do not forget to vote on legislative election on April 2009 and presidential on November 2009!

Make great election!!